
Eltoo, anyprevout and chaperone signatures

Eltoo, anyprevout and chaperone signatures

Original Postby Bastien TEINTURIER

Posted on: May 15, 2019 09:23 UTC

Bastien, a member of the Bitcoin community, has been analyzing Anthony Towns' anyprevout BIP proposal to ensure it has everything necessary for Eltoo.

He notes that the separation between anyprevout and anyprevoutanyscript makes it easier than previous proposals. Bastien believes it would simplify funding transactions and remove the need for a trigger transaction. However, integrating the chaperone signature is more complicated. To achieve this, update transactions could be modified using the proposed OP_IF/OP_ELSE structure. When updating the channel, Alice and Bob would exchange their anyprevoutanyscript signatures, and the chaperone signature can be provided by either party at transaction broadcast time. Bastien asks if using the same key for both signatures is safe, or whether another key-pair should be introduced. He emphasizes the importance of ensuring Eltoo can support chaperone signatures, even though it is uncertain if they will eventually be needed.